Super Sunday Half Time Show

Music & Potlucks presents a half time potluck show on Super Bowl Sunday February 9


RIVER FOREST IL - Music & Potlucks, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization presents “A Super Sunday Halftime Show” “on Sunday, February 9. The live stream event takes place from a private residence and will feature performances by Cooler By the Lake, Chicago folk singer songwriter Mark Dvorak and special in-house and live stream guests.

“We’re always looking to share homegrown music, homemade food and honest-to-goodness fun,” said Stephanie Schrodt of River Forest, codirector of Music & Potlucks. “We’re looking to make Super Sunday our annual ‘fun-raiser.”

“We hope those who are zooming in will share great food with their friends and sing along with us online."

There is no admission charge. Log onto to receive the link. 

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