Teaching Group Guitar in a Digital World

Free workshop, discussion on teaching guitar in Berwyn July 6

BERWYN IL - The Friendly Music Community, 6731 W. Roosevelt Road welcomes Chicago area singer songwriter and educator Mark Dvorak for a special workshop and discussion, “Teaching Group Guitar in a Digital World” on Thursday, July 6 at 7:00 pm. 

download-6The Friendly Community is the near west suburbs’ center for coffee, drinks, live music and music education. 

“We’re thrilled that Mark has joined our team,” said Rob Pierce, owner and music director at the Friendly. “He’s been a brilliant instructor in the Chicago area and we’re excited for the upcoming discussion.”

Dvorak served for thirty-one years on the faculty at the venerable Old Town School of Folk Music, teaching group guitar, ensembles and other classes.

rwya31“It’s a rare opportunity,” said Dvorak, “to be invited to share what I’ve learned over the years in the classroom. There’s a lot of positive energy happening at the  Friendly Community and I am very happy to be connected. Rob and his crew are connectors.”

The workshop will explore the art and strategy of successfully teaching group guitar classes. The topics will include musical awareness, the benefits of teaching in a group situation, theory, technology and the power of inclusion and participation.

There is no admission charge for the session, but those interested must register by email at markdv@aol.com

Those interested should also bring their acoustic guitar, questions, ideas & be ready to join the discussion and play along.

Learn more about the Friendly Music Community at www.friendlymusic.community.

Visit Mark Dvorak at www.markdvorak.com.

Stay in touch • markdvorakinfo@gmail.com • PO Box 181 • Brookfield IL 60513 • 312 315 4273